REAP Performance Presents:

REAP Training & Coaching announces our cornerstone event for 2022. This 12 class program is divided into three unique courses, all building on each other’s principles. DISCOVER YOUR DESTINY has been developed for individuals ready to take the next steps in their professional and personal lives.
Although we have been building these classes over the last 10 years, all of the material has been regularly updated to reflect the challenges of today.
When you are ready to create the best version of yourself, this is the program you need to get there.
Tuesday, June 28th: 12 – 2:30pm PST
Tuesday, July 5th: 12 – 2pm PST
Tuesday, July 12th: 12 – 2pm PST
Tuesday, July 19th: 12 – 2pm PST
Tuesday, July 26th: 12 – 2pm PST
Tuesday, August 2nd: 12 – 2pm PST
Tuesday, August 9th: 12 – 2pm PST
Tuesday, August 16th: 12 – 2pm PST
Tuesday, August 30th: 12 – 2pm PST
Tuesday, September 6th: 12 – 2pm PST
Tuesday, September 13th: 12 – 2pm PST
Tuesday, September 30th: 12 -2 pm PST
Making it Through, or Making a Difference
2021 gave us all a series of events that have changed our “normal” forever. For most of us, our foundations and security were shaken. We had the “forced” opportunity to look at creating a “new” reality because the entire World is being transformed by the impacts of the global “lockdown”.
Many struggled with fear and anxiety as everything external changed. We were given a unique opportunity to go internal and reflect on what our lives can be and what is most important to us.
If you have struggled to gain clarity on YOUR Purpose, YOUR Why…get ready to discover it. You can move forward powerfully, fueled by your passion and clearly focused on your Destiny.
“Discovering Your Destiny” will guide you to finding your Purpose and resolving to fulfill your Destiny. Through a series of lectures, demonstrations, role play scenarios and guided self-study assignments, you will get closer to understanding what YOUR unique purpose is. Only YOU can fulfill your purpose. In a Transformed world, you can choose to be empowered and prepared to create the life you are destined to live. The Chinese character for Destiny reflects that there is an Opportunity in every challenge.

Why Now?

Every person has within them a Purpose. Something they are meant to bring into the world. Sometimes, we lose sight of that Purpose because of the ordinary distractions of life. Just “making it through” instead of intentionally living in alignment with the purpose that brings a high level of energy that fuels us.
Living in the fast paced, technologically driven world of the 21st century often creates a mental environment that is overwhelmed with stimuli, overwhelmed with the obligations of reacting to things happening outside of ourselves. Now, is a perfect time to go internal. To reflect and think about what is most important for YOU in this one life. If you have been feeling the heavy weight of apathy, the sense of confusion as to what you should be doing, the fear that you are missing out on the goodness life is supposed to be full of, you found your way to the right place at the right time. Now is the time to make your Personal Journey and your Personal Growth the priority. No one else is going to do it for you. This is YOUR life. You have the opportunity to Discover and Define Your Destiny.
Consider that we have all been granted a gift of a wonderful, quiet “pause”. Globally, we are experiencing a time when what we are physically able to do is significantly restrained. Travel, shopping, work, school, recreation, all options for our typical distractions have been reduced.
The Primary Challenge of this course is to view this “pause” as a Gift. Never before have we been given back time. Take a moment and jot down how much time you are saving in your daily, weekly, and monthly commutes.
Much more difficult to calculate, and what is your sense of time around:
Waiting in line? Finding a parking space in the city? Waiting on hold? Waiting for a table?
Conversely, how much time have you spent watching television? Playing video or computer games? On Social Media? Watching the News? How have you been spending the extra time we have gained from being at home?
Now is the Time to Make Your Personal Journey
and Your Personal Growth the Priority
2021 may be seen as a year when we experienced a cosmic shift of consciousness on a Global scale. Much of our daily life has been altered. Many of the customs we have enjoyed have shifted or disappeared. Many of the ways we function in our jobs and businesses are no longer functional. We are being FORCED to change and yet, we also have a once in a millennia opportunity to choose a completely different path, a completely different way of being. And, I believe our New World needs the best version of each of us.
There is a need for all human beings to be “personally responsible” and not blame others for what is ours to own. We can no longer act as if our words and actions don’t impact anyone other than ourselves. Every thought that you have is emitting an energy. There is an instantaneous effect of that thought on the exterior world. This is evidence that the BEST we have to give can make a positive impact on the planet. The best thoughts and the best actions can help the world evolve through this time of change, to a higher frequency or consciousness and not just survive through the constant barrage of negative events.
Have you experienced anxiety, bouts of depression or an inability to sleep? All of the above? This is a normal human reaction to change, especially when coupled with the fear of what is to come.
Having a connection to a deep meaning and purpose in your life will allow you to choose a powerful way forward, instead of operating out of fear and uncertainty. To discover that meaning and purpose, you will have to commit to going internal and being mindful, exploring truths you may have kept at bay. The work and the struggle are worth it!
People who find their purpose live in flow with the connectedness of all life. They welcome and allow change in their lives rather than fighting against it. They tend to challenge themselves and battle against their fears. They create around them, an energy that enhances the positive possibilities in the Universe.
The benefits of living a purpose-driven life are clear. When you live your life with purpose, you live confidently, optimistically and you see new opportunities as they arise. You start experiencing everything that makes you appreciate the grandness of this existence. And eventually, the significance of your Life shows up.

Discover Your Destiny is a series of three distinct courses, each course, 4 weeks of instruction, study and assignments. You can take each course individually or sign up for the entire series. Additionally, you may choose to audit, or retake each course as your personal journey dictates.
For graduates of the entire program, there will be bi-annual events where we share our plans and enlist support from the other graduates.
Course 1 - Reflection
Week 1 – Tuesday | June 28th | 12PM – 2:30PM PST – Intro & Exploring Your Circumstance & The Context
Week 2 – Tuesday | July 5th | 12PM – 2PM PST – Understanding Conditioning
Week 3 – Tuesday | July 12th | 12PM – 2PM PST – Identifying Your Patterns
Week 4 – Tuesday | July 19th | 12PM – 2PM PST – Internalizing The Lessons Of Your Life
Course 2 - Revelation
Week 1 – Tuesday | July 26th | 12PM – 2PM PST – Recognizing Your Passions
Week 2 – Tuesday | August 2nd | 12PM – 2PM PST – Recognizing Your Talents & Gifts
Week 3 – Tuesday | August 9th | 12PM – 2PM PST – Acknowledging Your Emotions
Week 4 – Tuesday | August 16th | 12PM – 2PM PST – Defining Your Values & Beliefs
Course 3 - Resolution
Week 1 – Tuesday | August 30th | 12PM – 2PM PST – Investigating Your Identity
Week 2 – Tuesday | September 6th | 12PM – 2PM PST – Redefining Your Identity
Week 3 – Tuesday | September 13th | 12PM – 2PM PST – Uncovering The Void You Are To Fill
Week 4 – Tuesday | September 20th | 12PM – 2PM PST – Reality Of Now & Future Planning